About J G Cressey

John George Cressey was born in 1976, and grew up on the south coast of England where he enjoyed an active childhood involving swing ropes, tree houses and homemade go-carts. In his teens the interests became scuba diving, rock climbing and martial arts. At the end of his teens a spanner was thrown in the works in the form of a car crash in which he damaged his spine. Deciding that University was too dangerous for a young man in a wheelchair, he decided to travel the world for a decade or so, taking in some of Africa, Brazil, Cambodia and Australia. He also lived in New York and San Diego for a time. But always looked forward to heading back home to England.
Seeing a documentary that showed Roald Dahl sitting in a little garden shed sharpening pencils and scribbling away first piqued John’s interest in writing. Soon after, it was Star Wars and James Cameron films that began to influence his imagination. But it was much later down the line when viewing TV show, Firefly that he finally decided that story telling was for him. The show’s balance of light hearted humor, sometimes dark, emotional drama, and thrilling action really hit home and the idea for his first novel Star Splinter began to take shape. Star Splinter is the first in the Fractured Space series followed by Shattered Moon and soon Fallen Worlds. There is also a prequel Harper’s 10.